Mechanism Simulation Designer – MKS – Extension

Opening a new Field for Mechanical Engineers

The Mechanism Simulation Designer Extension enables product engineers and designers to simulate mechanisms. Kinematics joins defined in the Assembly Design phase, allows to understand the design and are easily re-used in mechanism representations whatever the complexity of the product structure is. The functional check and validation of mechanisms may be carried out interactively or by running kinematics and dynamics scenarios with intermittent contacts. Data such as accurate clash analysis, distance computations, geometric traces, and swept volumes of a moving part are presented in animations and snapshots of the mechanisms at various stages of a simulation. Finally, simulation can be updated automatically to evaluate more design alternatives in the same timeframe.


A comprehensive and powerful set of tools for the creation, management and simulation of products which include complex mechanisms.

  • Engineering connections
  • Mechanism animation
  • Mechanism of mechanisms
  • Kinematics scenario
  • Clash detection
  • Simulation analysis


Exsisting Catia Role

Included Apps

  • CATIA Mechanical Systems Design
  • CATIA Mechanical Systems Experience