DELMIA applications on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform allow manufacturers to virtually experience their entire operation from initial product design to determining how to meet global demand. This is made possible with a single 3D data model across operations – spanning engineering, manufacturing, logistics and service. DELMIA capabilities extend visualization beyond product design into manufacturing and operations, providing the ability to design and simulate manufacturing processes before the physical plant or production line even exists.
DELMIA Robotics

DELMIA Robotics on the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform enables robot programmers to virtually program, simulate and validate robot tasks and manufacturing environments. It provides a set of discipline-oriented robot programming apps for material handling, spot and arc welding, machining, shot peening, painting, sealing, drilling and riveting to help programmers deliver optimized robot programs to the shop floor. Robotics apps include the following features:
- Leverage existing 3D models from CATIA, SolidWorks, and other CAD systems to define the 3D geometry of the workcell to be managed in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
- Save time modeling the robots as 3DEXPERIENCE comes loaded with a library of 1000+ robots from all major vendors with the kinematics already predefined. If the library is missing a robot, Dassault Systèmes will create one for free.
- Load programs easily with the robot language translators for all major Robot Native Languages (e.g. ABB Rapid) included in 3DEXPERIENCE. If missing a translator, Dassault Systèmes will create it for free.
- Keep your robot workcell active and generating revenue by programming, simulating and validating new robot programs offline with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
- Leverage CAD geometry to accelerate the robot trajectory tasks. Simply pick an edge to define an arc trajectory, select points or existing fasteners to spot weld or drill, or pick a surface to paint, sand, or shot peen.
- Analyze and optimize reachability for welding applications and/or coverage for painting, sanding, or shot peening applications with easy to use analysis tools.
Quick and Easy to Use

3DEXPERIENCE Robotics makes it easy to develop robotic workcells by enabling users to import existing 3D geometry from native CAD applications.
Many hours are saved modeling the robot and kinematics since 3DEXPERIENCE includes a library of fully defined robots from all major robot vendors, including but not limited to ABB, FANUC, KUKA, OTC DAIHEN, and MITSUBISHI. Uploading and downloading Robot Native Language (RNL) programs into/out of your digital robotic workcell is effortlessly managed as 3DEXPERIENCE also includes robot language translators for all major robot manufacturers.
Save Time and Money with Offline Programming

One of the greatest expenses for a robot workcell is the time that the workcell is down and not generating revenue. 3DEXPERIENCE avoids downtime by providing robot programmers the ability to work with the digital twin of the real-world robot workcell to define the robot program using the exact geometry to be programmed. Reference the correct version of the model instead of guessing that the paper print or published viewable is correct.
Use the 3DEXPERIENCE tools to accelerate the robot spot weld programming by picking native weld points (fasteners) directly from the CAD model. Quickly update and validate robot programs with parametric support of engineering changes.
Programming an arc weld or sealant deposition path is as simple as picking an edge, curve, or intersection of two surfaces. Painting, sanding, shot peening can all be quickly programmed in a similar manner by selecting the surface geometry and setting the tag spacing. Powerful analysis tools provide detailed information on the paint coverage, shot peening coverage and intensity, and reachability. Have a new robot program ready to send to the workcell once the job is complete and only spend a fraction of the time validating it, instead of a few days/weeks manually setting position points with a robot teach pendant or other handheld devices.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the DELMIA Robotics applications on the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform, contact us at (954) 442-5400 or submit an online inquiry.