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Migrate your AM2 to PLM Express CAT + AME and Collect the Rewards

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In this article we will discuss a topic that gets brought up many times by Inceptra customers: “What are the differences between the traditional AM2 license so many of us have and the configuration called PLM Express CAT + AME?”

Before reviewing the differences with machining capabilities, there are also some core packaging differences that you should know.

  • AM2 does not come with the connector for Smarteam or ENOVIA V6 for data management
  • AM2 has no STEP export or import capabilities

When you purchase or migrate your existing licenses to PLM Express, both of the above are included in the bundle, saving you money versus purchasing them separately. With more companies realizing the need for a data management system, this is a very effective way to achieve it. In addition, considering that ENOVIA V6 is the database backbone of the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, this gets you ready for V6 if you have the need to support V6 as an OEM requirement, or want to take advantage of the many V6 machining enhancements.

Specific NC Capabilities

Prismatic Preparation Assistant

  • Not included in AM2
    Included in the PLM Express bundle CAT + AME.
  • Gives you the ability to automatically recognize features to be machined from a native CATIA file, B-REP solid or any imported file.
  • Groups recognized features into useable patterns to be re-used by your milling or drilling operations.

NC 1

Power Machining (Multi-Pockets)

  • Not included in AM2
  • Included in the PLM Express bundle CAT + AME
  • Allows you to not only rough the entire part, but finish it all in the same operation. Great for structural parts and large bulkheads that have many, many pockets.
  • AM2 has only cavity roughing, which is similar, but is designed only for roughing, large quantities of pockets at once.

Power Machining makes a roughing pass and then comes back to finish the side walls while there is still stock around the ribs. This decreases the chance of tool chatter and allows for a better finish. The idea here is to cut down on how many separate operations it take to machine a part by combining them. You will see more of this type of machining in the future.

NC 2

Multi Pocket Flank Contouring

  • Not included in AM2
  • Included in the PLM Express bundle CAT + AME
  • Similar to Multi-Pocket machining but is meant for parts with a lot of 5 axis flanking.
  • Ideal for large structural aircraft parts.

In the past, this would have to be accomplished with a list of separate 5 axis operations. This combines all of those into one op. Multi Pocket Flank Contouring became available in R19.

NC 3

With faster programming operations and automation techniques with feature recognition, your programming time can be cut drastically leaving more time to take on extra jobs.

Video showing additional capabilities in CAT+AME configuration

As the old saying goes, time is money. With the growing demands of lower production costs and getting parts to market faster, many Inceptra customers are thinking about things like data management to aid in fewer mistakes due to working with the wrong revisions, as well as document control for better workflow and visibility of project status. From the additional machining functionalities to the inclusion of the ENOVIA V6 connector, there are many advantages to be gained by migrating existing AM2 licenses to the PLM Express bundle CAT + AME; advantages which have helped Inceptra customers take their NC programming to the next level.

Article compiled courtesy of John Jeffrey
Application Engineer

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