Tech-Clarity research shows how top performers succeed with cloud-based simulation
What is the best way to help design engineers develop the most competitive products possible?
According to the research, 44% of manufacturers say design decisions have gotten even harder, with many relying on personal experience and guesswork to guide decisions. Products have become increasingly complex, making those critical engineering decisions that much more difficult. What can companies do to overcome this and support engineers?
This report, based on a survey of 250+ manufacturers, gives insights on how to help designer engineers make better informed decisions, while privileging performance and business values.
For engineers to work effectively, they need powerful tools to solve problems faster. Cloud-enabled simulation analysis is a must-have tool. Here’s what cloud simulation users are reporting:
- 71% more computing power/faster solver
- 42% easier access to experts
- 42% lower hardware cost of ownership and maintenance
- 42% easier collaboration
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Realize Even More Value from Simulation with the Cloud
A cloud platform can help companies extend their use of simulation, empowering design engineers to use it more during the design process. This promotes improved collaboration between design engineers and analysts, offering better guidance during the simulation and analysis process. The cloud has substantial computational power that allows you to get results even faster. This offers many advantages such as accelerating the design process, freeing up engineers to spend more time on innovation and allowing them to simulate and evaluate more design options. Moreover, it provides a streamlined approach to managing the many different data types required to support simulation, ensuring that engineers have what they need at their fingertips. Finally, as an integrated platform, companies enjoy benefits such as better collaboration between design engineers and analysts, improved traceability, more flexible licensing options, easier options to share and control access to results, and access to multiple physics.